Divorce, A Life Changing Experience At Best
First and foremost, I would like to thank Juliet for giving me the opportunity to talk about what is very…
What I know about your life
What I know about your life. I know your life is valuable beyond what you may know, or acknowledge. This…
How Does It Get Better?
It gets better. How does it get better? How in the hell does it get better? Here are five steps…
What’s Your Super Power?
What’s your super power? Better question: What are your super powers? You do have more than one super power. You…
Anger Welcomed Here
Anger welcomed here? What kind of a place would that be? What would it look like? How would it feel? Would you feel comfortable in such a place?
The Power of the Ampersand
For the next day or two replace the word but with the ampersand and see what possibilities it creates in your life.
The words but, and &, are commonly called stop words. The word but stops the sentence, stops the thought, and stops possibility. It is final.
Creating Wellness Reduces Illness
How much time do you spend focusing on, and creating your own personal health and wellness? When was the last time, if you ever have, considered that? Now how much time do you spend discussing your illness?
Helping A Coworker Who Seems Suicidal
Many people spend more hours with their coworkers than they do at home, so it’s important to know how to help someone who is expressing feelings of depression or suicidal thoughts.
The Alchemist
The Alchemist is a mind opening, easy read. It is entertaining while imparting the reader with secrets of the universe.
Our Fight to Save the Children of Others~Jerry Gabay
Our fight to save the children of others begins with knowing a number of national organizations have recently voiced their opinions that providers believe that they are prevented from communication by privacy laws when, in fact, there are many situations in which communication is required rather than prohibited.
Healing Our Suffering
Why is advocating for loved ones of people who attempt suicide important? It is important because being in the middle of that crisis is debilitating. It is traumatic and confusing. It is horrifying and grief inducing. It affects every aspect of your life. It is difficult, if not impossible to advocate for yourself while you are fighting for the life, and possible freedom, of your loved one who attempted.
Parenting Young Adults: 9 Vital Answers About Depression and Suicide ~ Dr. Jesse Viner
When a young adult survives a suicide attempt, parents may not know how to help their family move forward. Learning about young adult suicide – the risks, the warning signs, and how to react after an attempt- may help parents grasp the situation and figure out a plan for recovery.
Sociopaths & Attempted Suicide
Is the healing process for family and friends different after the suicide attempt of a sociopath compared to the suicide attempt of someone with other disorders?
Have You Decided?
Have you decided? Her breakthrough occurred, and this is what it was: She had not decided, really decided, to live. She hadn’t ever decided to die either.
Verizon HopeLine
How many used phones do you have shoved, stored, and hidden in your home and office? You know, the ones the kids pretend to use? The ones that are missing keys or will no longer turn on? Anyone?
I was contacted by a reader/follower about the Verizon HopeLine recently and thought I knew all about the program. Well I didn’t and you may not either. Here is what I learned: